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Gagné’s assumption is that different types of learning exist, and that different instructional conditions are most likely to bring about these different types of learning. His theory includes 5 categories of Learning:

1-Intellectual Skills

2-Cognitive Skills

3-Verbal Information

4-Motor Skills



Gagné was also influential in the Instructional Design field, as his 9 steps of instruction have become the basis for many Instructional Design models.


1-Gain Attention

2-Tell the objective

3-Recall prior learning

4-Present the content

5-Provide learning guidance

6-Elicit performance

7-Provide feedback

8-Assess performance

9-Enhance learning transfer and retention


Robert M. Gagne


Robert M. Gagné was an American educational psychologist who is best known for his book The Conditions of Learning (1968)


General Overview

Resources and Links

Related Theories

Website Design by Kevin J, Erin S., & Sue M @ Colorado State University

Content by Students of Spring 2015 EDAE 668

(c) Fair Use, NonCommercial, for Educational Purposes

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